Eastern Shore District High School

May 26th, 2021

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki (pronounced migmagee), which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

General Announcements:

Good luck to Madi Thornhill! She will be competing virtually at the National Skills Competition today in the public speaking competition.

The Valedictorian Results!

Congratulations to Madi Thornhill and Gareth Leaman, your 2021 Co-Valedictorians!
The graduating class has spoken loud and clear. Half of them chose Gareth Leaman, and half chose Madison Thornhill. In a year impacted by Covid restrictions, why not give them both!

Fundraiser with The Shore Clothing Co.

For 2021 they are supporting our LGBTQ2 community through the local chapter of the Gender Sexual Alliance here on The Shore.  GSAs provide a safe space in schools where youth can be themselves, regardless of identity.

$3 from every Eastern Shore PRIDE tee will be donated to the GSA at ESDH & will be available in their mobile store starting June 26th at the Eastern Shore PRIDE Festival.

You can pre-order online at LINK

Library Access

Please use HRCE's virtual library (SORA).  Instructions on using this site can be found at this link

Also, the Halifax Public library has a huge digital library which can be accessed at:

Nova Scotia Homework Hub

Available to help with mathematics help and tutoring, Check out their information on their YouTube link and access them through your GNSPES account.

Guidance Announcements:

Guidance Support
Students who would like to receive career or personal counselling support from home should email Ms. Greenough (jgreenough@hrce.ca) for a phone or zoom appointment. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have a question about scholarships, post-secondary planning, or if you require emotional support. Guidance Website

Staying safe and healthy as a community is EVERYONE’s responsibility

  • Practice physical distancing when outside and in areas that you can
  • Avoid bunching together (inside or out)
  • Wear a non-medical mask when you can’t physically distance
  • No matter where you are please practice the above. Especially when you are off school property at lunchtime or during a study/free period. Concerned community members are worried about you and contacting the school to remind our Schoons that in the community your choices impact us all!
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.