Eastern Shore District High School

April 5th, 2023

Cafeteria Specials:

Beef burritos with side Mexican rice  - $7.50

BBQ chicken pizza - $ 4.30

General Announcements:

Grade 12’s - The annual lobster ticket sale is here for prom - they will be available in the lobby during the first 20 minutes of lunch each day this week. Make sure to grab your booklets!

Student Council Announcements:

On April 27, we are planning a Spring Dance.  This is a reminder that in order to be permitted to attend, students must be in good standing with all of their courses.  Students not passing at least half of their courses are not eligible to attend.

Band Announcements:

A message for all band students - our schedule this week has changed. The full concert band rehearsal will now be today at lunch and the sectional scheduled for today will be moved to next week.

A reminder to all band students to bring in your festival forms and payments to Ms. Penwell as soon as possible.

Guidance Announcements:

Grade 10 and 11 students - make sure you can access your PowerSchool for course selection and registration. If you do not know your username and password, please see Ms Foley (before 12:30) or Mrs Gaetz (After 12:30).

Athletic Announcements:

Basketball intramurals are today at lunch in the gym. Hockey will be next week. Info and sign up sheet is on the athletics board!

Girls rugby game today vs JL at 4:45pm - Cole Harbour turf

Barn practice tonight - Boys 6pm, Girls 7:30pm

Boys rugby game tomorrow vs Islandview at 4:45pm - Cole Harbour turf