Eastern Shore District High School

June 1st, 2023

Cafeteria Specials:

Chicken Alfredo with a roll - $7.50

BBQ chicken pizza - $4.30

General Announcements:

June 1st marks the first day of Pride month. We celebrate you today and everyday. There is nothing more beautiful and powerful than someone who chooses to be themself.

A reminder to all of the provincial ban on staying out of the woods. Please be respectful of this as the wildfires are still very problematic and the woods are extremely dry.

Our annual CAR SHOW will be happening on Thursday of next week. Signup sheet will be located outside of the main office.

Band Announcements:

Jazz Band will rehearse today at lunch

Guidance Announcements:

There will be a student loan information session on Wednesday June 7th at lunch.

Athletic Announcements:

Senior boys rugby: If you have any interest in rugby after school, PLEASE see Mr Kent for more details

Girls softball practice today at 3:45 at the rink field